Access our On Demand Courses in Leadership, Mentoring and Team Development.

Performance Leadership - Brilliant Basics

Today's leaders need to have exceptional self-awareness and the resilience and emotional agility to lead in complex and volatile environments.  
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Performance Mentoring - Brilliant Basics

Mentoring is now considered an essential leadership skill. More than ever, today’s leaders need to engage authentically with those that they lead.

High Performing Team Development

Through our team development programmes we provide insight into high performance team dynamics and team performance factors to strengthen team cohesion and inspire culture of delivering excellence under pressure.

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The JHC Way

People at the Heart of Performance

  • Create space for people
  • Listen to Understand
  • Recognise people have choices
  • Build Resilience to Perform

Authentic Voices

  • Who are you really?
  • Find your Why
  • Emotionally Agile
  • Feedback is a gift

Collaboration Counts

  • Collective Purpose
  • Follow and Lead
  • Embrace Diversity
  • Share Expertise
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